Monday, June 4, 2007

Thanks to Phaneromania

Well P., you dun did it! I am officially set up to get this sh*t started- WHAT a can of worms! I'm at the dining room table/office/art cart- with my 2-1/2 year old (going in 14) daughter- also a "P", whom is happily painting and sticking Elmo stickers onto a huge pad of paper- markers are out in full force too...

Seems as though I will be peeling some of those Elmo stickers off of the floor....I have to get in the shower and de-stink before I p/u the G man at school- his last week of Pre-K! He is so psyched about Kindergarten (in September), that at night before bed, all last week, he kept saying- "S0 tomorrow I start Kindergarten! I'm so excited!!"- I hate to deflate his enthusiasm, but I have to tell him (as to spare him from disappointment the following morning) that "No, not tomorrow- September- you have summer camp with Niko ALL summer- Every day! THEN when summer camp is done, you will be all ready for Kindergarten!"

He sighs, then gets happy about spending every day this summer with his bestest friend in the whole wide world! I'm simultaneously happy and totally depressed that he will be in camp from 10-3 every day- I just ADORE him and his company, I will miss him SO much every day- I can already feel the lump in my throat forming and my colon ready to blow....freakin' digestive tract always has to chime in with expression when I'm feeling intense emotion- Put a cork in it lady!

AND so sounds the phone- to the tune of "Won't you call me sweetheart" husbear to the rescue.


P said...

that picture is hilarious... welcome to the blogosphere! i so look forward to reading about sven the gastronomic connoisseur and princess parker!

Dena said...

As always, I'm third! Nice have that beak perfectly pointed in the right direction! I can't believe you are crying about the 10-3 gig...such a liar!! :) Thanks for stopping by tonight...lurve u!